Styling and designing an engagement or bridal shoot is one of my favorite wedding experiences to put together for our clients. No stress....well, other than what to wear, outfit change, props, where to shoot, weather conditions, and lighting. And, lets not even think about if we are having a good hair day, a pimple appears, or if one is having a good day or bad one. And, of course, being comfortable in front of a camera is always critical and nervous twitch. But, alas...all in a days work. Open up a bottle of Prosecco and have a few laughs and we are off to a great start!
With a little bit of time and creativity, great and comfortable moments happen. And, if all else, you might find the wedding designer doing the running man behind the photographer to capture that true smile.
Enjoy some highlights from Darby + Bart's engagement shoot. I know we have.
Photo Shoot Design: Enjoy Events
Photography: Steve Lee
Hair & Makeup: Your Beautiful Face

It's very enjoyable or romantic moments for couples together in life so be capable to manage their marriage party easily and sensible for the party couples so be helpful to achieve and enjoyed our party. We are manages Event Planning CT and arranged the party moments with good stuff.