Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Modern Luxury Houston Brides Featured Article

I am truly honored to be highlighted in the latest issue of the Modern Luxury Houston Brides publication.  Not once, but twice. 

 I had the pleasure of sitting down with one of the talent writers to share my thoughts on what makes Enjoy Events passion so successful in the wedding industry.  As an event professional for well over a decade I have watched the laughter fill the room while the waste fills the landfills. I shared my thoughts on sustainability while allowing for bold colors and dream events to take place. 

I am so excited Mike & Carol's wedding is highlighted in this amazing publication. It was such an intense logistical event that in the end gave such pleasure and joy to be a part of.  I fell to my knees when the rose petals started to rain on cue and the most beautiful combination of musical artists came together.  It was just as spectacular as the couple.


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